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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Back at Work

The other day, the young dogs and I went for a walk in the woods and hills over near Crozet.  The trees stood patiently in the cold undistracted by leaf and fern or flying insect or  chirping bird (Willa Cather).  The dogs ran happily through the leaves and up the hills chasing each other and one lone deer that they stood no chance (though much hope) of catching. 

I love Winter - the solitude, the quiet, the stark shapes - it suits me to walk around in hat and gloves.  My love for Winter is not exclusive and in no way diminishes my love for the other seasons - it is akin to having several friends whom you love the same but for entirely different reasons. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! You're back. Winter wisdom in a few careful words.
