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Sunday, March 6, 2011

REVERB 11 - Last Month to LIve

I am going to copy my friend's blog prompt for today on how I would live March if I knew it was my last month to live......... She did a clever thing by using a collage effect which creates no particular order - my order below is not of importance but of my mind going in its usual random pathways...................

take a nap with my dogs, kiss my husband, tell my friends I love them, spend time with my friends, walk in the woods, run with abandon down a country path,  bake a cake, plant flowers, prune my shrubs, dig in the dirt, hug my dogs, hug my friends, hug Ben, fly the Columbia, sing old songs, drink lots of good coffee, enjoy a glass of wine with friends, visit my nephew at Ft Benning, play with puppies, sit with old dogs, watch the birds, listen to the birds, sit by a stream, climb Humpback Rocks, swim in the river, inhale the scent of daffodils - fill vases with them all over the house, take care of my orchids, make my favorite soup, go to Nellysford, laugh out loud, yoga, yoga, yoga, sit on the sofa with millie at my side, sit on the floor with Emma and rub her soft face, lie down with Lucy on her big dog bed, touch Walter's ears, climb a tree, rappel down a cliff, watch the birds, feed the birds, listen to birdsong, sit on my back porch and read, have a dry Martini, watch the ACC tournament with my husband, have a spaghetti dinner by candlelight, sleep on clean sheets every night, give of myself, be kind to strangers, be kind to everyone, smile, have a chocolate milkshake, 

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